The Mech >>
522”, a mech size 12 + 2 unit for the O.A.S.F.
Ogre (24594), by Reaper
Height: 52mm.
Prep >>
- Parts washed.
- Flash removed/mold lines filed
- Joints were drilled and pinned for
final assembly after the majority of painting was completed.
- Mounted the legs on a 29mm hex cut
from 1/8” MDF.
- The top of the base was spackled
with light-weight, dry joint compound, and filed smooth after drying.
- Masked the joint areas with tape
or poster tac.
- Everything primed grey.
- Neutral grey – primary structures.
- Sky grey – secondary structures.
- Red - front hex edge of base.
- Black - back hex edge of base and
sensor blister.
- Earth – rest of base.
- White – ID number on back hex edge
of base.
Once most of the
painting was finished, the tape and poster tac masking the joints were removed,
the mech was assembled, and touch-up paint applied as needed.
Decided the decals
(white stars and vehicle numbers from I-94 Enterprises) were going to be placed
on the top of the torso and the front of the legs, so some clear enamel was
painted on those spots. This gave a good base for the decals to set against.
Think of it as a surface being primed before painting. After the enamel dried,
the water-slide decals were carefully cut, soaked in water, and then applied.
Another layer of clear enamel was painted over the decals once they were dry to
lock them in.
After everything was
dry, the entire miniature was dipped in 1:12 minwax ebony to clear polyurethane
mix. Once dry, clumps of green and olive foliage were glued with PVA (white
glue) directly to the base, then a mix of fine flock to cover the rest of it –
made sure to have kept the edges of the base clear. A couple light sprays of
clear matt sealer took the edge off the dip’s gloss and sealed in the flocking.
De-blistering >>
Ogre (24594), part of the CAV:
Strike Operations range available from Reaper Miniatures.
What you get: 5
pieces – legs, torso, left/right arms, and the center-line gun. The waist and arms were pegged, providing some poseability. All parts were drilled and
pinned together to strengthen the model's joint for tabletop use. No surprises during assembly.
Produced by Reaper Miniatures, and currently being released as part
of Reaper’s 3rd edition CAV: Strike Operations. The miniatures are
scaled for 10mm, not the more common 6mm/1:300/1:285, but works fine for a top
end of the scale large mech.
<< Meka Tac – GSRE

sheet for play on an open table with terrain.
The weapon ranges are in inches.
Designed to print on 4” x 6” or 3” x 5” index card.
The “Titan” was a
large siege/fire mecha. Intended as an O.A.S.F. (a.k.a. “White
Star” forces) installation defender or city destroyer, it was also deployed as a roadblock, and, occasionally, in ambush. It was a lumbering brute, with the 20 points of supplemental armor (denying early critical hits) on top of its 120 mech hits lowing the already slow 6 move points down to a mere 2. Its positioning at the start of a battle was paramount, because it wasn't going to get anywhere anytime soon.
The Titan elicited one of two responses from the enemy: avoidance or fire magnet. It could always bring at least 2 of the 3 siege guns loaded 6 rounds of 4d6 damage and artificial intelligence (AI) +1 bonus to the attack roll
(+1 TH) ammo on to any target before it, so closing to make contact was a risky proposition. Taking a Titan down was a labor intensive, time consuming, and costly proposition, so it was, on occasion, simply best to stay out of its 32-inch field of fire - until it ran out of ammunition.
END 118 >>