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SUNDER THE STARS core rules are available for download, along with fleet record sheets, counters, a QRS, and some other goodies. And it's free. Just go here: http://home.dejazzd.com/broadsword/Sunder_the_Stars/StS_Index_Page.htmlSunder the Stars is a space fleet combat game that can be played on a hex board or open table.
It is designed to handle task force actions and fleet engagements.
All combat is determined by opposed rolls.
Initiative-based, individual activations for ships and squadrons.
A simple mechanism allows for each ship's combat effectiveness to degrade as it takes damage.
The game does not require a control sheet for each individual ship, only each type of ship in your fleet and a few "counters" for special situations.
Plenty of optional rules to tailor the game to your style of play.
Ship and fleet construction rules are included.
Supplemental material is being developed: star bases and planetary facilities, new fleets, a campaign system, etc. These future releases will be announced on this blog.
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