Musings mainly on miniature wargaming and its ilk -
Victorian Science Fiction (Steampunk), Pulp, Mecha,
Science Fiction, Sagas, Survival Horror (Zombies) etc.
Starting a new faction for my Post Apocalyptic troops: esper cultists who guard holy, high-tech sites, waiting patiently for the return of The Ancient Ones who will make everything right and usher in a new golden age. Had some Pawns of Dis - ZB15 figures from SuperFigs, so they might as well get painted. But in what colors?
Painting: The exposed flesh was Light Flesh. The sandals, sash and hood were German Camo Black Brown. The robes were Black Red. The entire base was Medium Gray. The eyes were completely Black and the devotional markings were Gore Red. The entire figure was dipped with Ebony Minwax polyurethane varnish cut with clear polyurethane varnish. The flocking was a few spots of static grass and a few spots of blended turf. A coat of clear matte varnish was sprayed to seal the figure.
The test run on the color scheme did what was asked of it: dark, brooding, malevolent and not quite human.
The sculpt isn't bad, and, to be honest, it's a guy in a hooded robe. Not a whole lot to work with, though the estimable Mr. Murch at Pulp Figures does a bang up job with his line. My only complaints with this offering from SuperFigs were that their legs are painfully far apart, as if surfing, and the bases of the figures had to be cut away to fit on the 1" disks. If a 25mm ~ 32mm human infantry figure cannot fit comfortably within a 25mm/1" round base, then there's something seriously wrong with the design. By no means a deal-killer, but keep in mind that there may be a bit of work ahead. Suitable for damn near any game where you need blokes in hooded robes, including Gamma World, Mutant Future, Metamorphosis Alpha, or any other Post Apocalyptic/Science Fiction game.
Took advantage of the fantastic conditions today and completed some more Buggians - 6 Destroyers! Yes, I know that they are actually Destroyer LEADERS, but they fill the role of Destroyers on the tabletop. That makes a total of 3 fleets ready for playtesting SUNDER THE STARS.
The bases are 40mm square, 1/8" thick masonite with 1/8" brass rods.
Painting: Primed white, base color of intermediate green, then a 1:2 blue ink to water wash, followed by a drybrushing of intermediate green, and the details picked out with bright silver, bronze and metallic blue. The engine flares were white, a 1:2 blue ink wash and a light drybrush of white. The bases were primed black, and painted black, with the identification information in white. The entire figure was sealed with polyurethane clear gloss varnish, then a spray of clear matte.
I have no idea where, when or who produced this particular miniature. I want to say it was a member of a small and short-lived range of 28mm figures produced for the HELL ON EARTH rpg by Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. If anyone knows, please post below!
UPDATE: it has been identified as a figure from the Rifts: Cyborg Pack #2 by Palladium Books. Unfortunately, it's out of production. Shame, as the rest of the pack looks quite cool. A big thanks to all the helpful folks at The Miniatures Page.
The sculpt isn't that impressive, but it's still a serviceable figure. Whatever it is, it's done and off the painting table! Suitable for Gamma World, Mutant Future, Metamorphosis Alpha, or any other Post Apocalyptic/Science Fiction game.