Friday, October 30, 2015

Updated! Meka Tac: GSRE - 6mm/1:285/1:300/2" Mapless QRS Mk 2 & New Pilot Record Sheet!

Battleaxe in the open - with the expected results.
Woefully out of production Battledroids

In the  DOWNLOADS  section of  GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS  you will find the newly updated Meka Tac: GSRE quick reference sheet mark 2 for open table games with 6mm/1:285/1:300/2" mecha miniatures, and the new pilot record sheet to track your pilot's career. And, of course, they're FREE!

The quick reference sheet is what will be used at Fall In!

<< END 119 >> 

Thursday, October 29, 2015


<< The Mech >>

“Titan 522”, a mech size 12 + 2 unit for the O.A.S.F.
Ogre (24594), by Reaper Miniatures.
Height: 52mm.

<< Prep >>

  • Parts washed.
  • Flash removed/mold lines filed down.
  • Joints were drilled and pinned for final assembly after the majority of painting was completed.
  • Mounted the legs on a 29mm hex cut from 1/8” MDF.
  • The top of the base was spackled with light-weight, dry joint compound, and filed smooth after drying.

<< Painting >>

  • Masked the joint areas with tape or poster tac.
  • Everything primed grey.
  • Neutral grey – primary structures.
  • Sky grey – secondary structures.
  • Red - front hex edge of base.
  • Black - back hex edge of base and sensor blister.
  • Earth – rest of base.
  • White – ID number on back hex edge of base.

Once most of the painting was finished, the tape and poster tac masking the joints were removed, the mech was assembled, and touch-up paint applied as needed. 

Decided the decals (white stars and vehicle numbers from I-94 Enterprises) were going to be placed on the top of the torso and the front of the legs, so some clear enamel was painted on those spots. This gave a good base for the decals to set against. Think of it as a surface being primed before painting. After the enamel dried, the water-slide decals were carefully cut, soaked in water, and then applied. Another layer of clear enamel was painted over the decals once they were dry to lock them in. 

After everything was dry, the entire miniature was dipped in 1:12 minwax ebony to clear polyurethane mix. Once dry, clumps of green and olive foliage were glued with PVA (white glue) directly to the base, then a mix of fine flock to cover the rest of it – made sure to have kept the edges of the base clear. A couple light sprays of clear matt sealer took the edge off the dip’s gloss and sealed in the flocking.

<< De-blistering >>

Ogre (24594), part of the CAV: Strike Operations range available from Reaper Miniatures. 

What you get: 5 pieces – legs, torso, left/right arms, and the center-line gun. The waist and arms were pegged, providing some poseability. All parts were drilled and pinned together to strengthen the model's joint for tabletop use. No surprises during assembly.

Produced by Reaper Miniatures, and currently being released as part of Reaper’s 3rd edition CAV: Strike Operations. The miniatures are scaled for 10mm, not the more common 6mm/1:300/1:285, but works fine for a top end of the scale large mech.

<< Meka Tac – GSRE >>

Stat sheet for play on an open table with terrain.
The weapon ranges are in inches.
Designed to print on 4” x 6” or 3” x 5” index card.

The “Titan” was a large siege/fire mecha. Intended as an O.A.S.F. (a.k.a. “White Star” forces) installation defender or city destroyer, it was also deployed as a roadblock, and, occasionally, in ambush. It was a lumbering brute, with the 20 points of supplemental armor (denying early critical hits) on top of its 120 mech hits lowing the already slow 6 move points down to a mere 2. Its positioning at the start of a battle was paramount, because it wasn't going to get anywhere anytime soon. 

The Titan elicited one of two responses from the enemy: avoidance or fire magnet. It could always bring at least 2 of the 3 siege guns loaded 6 rounds of 4d6 damage and artificial intelligence (AI) +1 bonus to the attack roll (+1 TH) ammo on to any target before it, so closing to make contact was a risky proposition. Taking a Titan down was a labor intensive, time consuming, and costly proposition, so it was, on occasion, simply best to stay out of its 32-inch field of fire - until it ran out of ammunition.

<< Links >> 

I-94 Enterprises – Decals.

The current version of Meka Tac – Giant Stompy Robots Edition game is available IN THE DOWNLOADS SECTION, of the GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS section of as well as PDFs of all the cards and counters, quick reference sheets (QRS) and other resources. And, yes, it’s FREE!
A portion of the Giant Stompy Robots Forum has been set aside for discussing Meka Tac! Please stop by and post your questions, after action reports, and photos of your games!

<< END 118 >>

Monday, October 19, 2015

Meka Tac – GSRE: One Page Campaign Rules

Mauler in the wild.
Out of production figure from Mekton II.


In the  DOWNLOADS  section of  GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS  you will find the new one page campaign rules! Designed for use with the Meka Tac: GSRE Mission Cards or your preferred scenario generator. Including rules for logistics and pilot advancement. One. Page. And FREE!

<< END 117 >> 

Friday, October 16, 2015


<< The Mech >>

“Medved 44”, a mech size 10 unit for the P.F.S.U.D.
Rhino (24527), by Reaper Miniatures.
Height: 53mm.

<< Prep >> 

  • Stripped previous paint and glue from figure.
  • Parts washed.
  • Flash removed/mold lines filed down, as the previous owner didn't.
  • Joints were drilled and pinned for final assembly after the majority of painting was completed.
  • Mounted the legs on a 29mm hex cut from 1/8” MDF.
  • The top of the base was then spackled with light-weight, dry joint compound, and filed smooth after drying.

This figure was obtained through secondary markets, so the previous owner's paint and glue had to be removed. There are various ways to do this, so use the one that best works for you without violating local laws or endangering your health. The shoulder missile launchers were missing (yes, I got a really good deal on this mech) so the appropriate bits were added to the next order placed with Reaper Miniatures.  

<< Painting >> 

  • Masked the joint areas with tape or poster tac.
  • Everything primed white.
  • Russian green – primary structures.
  • Russian uniform WWII – secondary structures.
  • Neutral grey - exposed articulation.
  • German grey - weapons.
  • Red - mech trim and front hex edge of base.
  • Black - sensor blisters, inside missile tubes, and back hex edge of base.
  • Earth – rest of base.
  • White – ID number on back hex edge of base.

Once most of the painting was finished, the tape and poster tac masking the joints were removed, the mech was assembled, and touch-up paint applied as needed.

Decided the decals (red stars and vehicle numbers from I-94 Enterprises) were going to be placed on the front and back of the torso, so some clear enamel was painted on those spots. This gave a good base for the decals to set against. Think of it as a surface being primed before painting. After the enamel dried, the water-slide decals were carefully cut, soaked in water, and then applied. Another layer of clear enamel was painted over the decals once they were dry to lock them in.

After everything was dry, dipped the entire miniature in 1:12 minwax ebony to clear polyurethane mix. Once dry, clumps of green and olive foliage were glued with PVA (white glue) directly to the base, then a mix of fine flock to cover the rest of it – made sure to have kept the edges of the base clear. A couple light sprays of clear matt sealer took the edge off the dip’s gloss and sealed in the flocking. 

<< De-blistering >>

Rhino (24527), part of the CAV: Strike Operations range available from Reaper Miniatures. This figure was obtained loose through secondary markets, so the parts may look a bit rougher than if they came fresh from the pack.

What you get: six pieces - torso, L/R arms, 2 missile pods, and legs. The waist and arms are pegged, allowing for some pose variation. All the joints were drilled and pegged to strengthen the model for tabletop use. A straightforward build.

A Reaper Miniatures product, and currently available as part of their 3rd edition CAV: Strike Operations. The miniatures are scaled for 10mm, not the more common 6mm/1:300/1:285, but works very well as a size class large mech. A good, solid mecha from Reaper. 

<< Meka Tac – GSRE >>

Stat sheet for play on an open table with terrain.
The weapon ranges are in inches.
Designed to print on a 4” x 6”or a 3” x 5” index card.

The “Medved” was a large assault mecha, and a huge departure from traditional P.F.S.U.D. (a.k.a. "Red Star" forces) design doctrine. Not only were the two medium missile launchers given artificial intelligence (AI, +1 to hit) warheads, but the internal systems had enough backups to ignore the first critical hit received. The mecha could engage the enemy at 36" and keep pounding them as it closed to 24" to unleash the two arm-mounted rail cannons. The 8 rounds of armor piercing ammo (AP, +1 to damage rolls) in each of the rail cannons, plus 8 more high explosive (HE, 3" area effect) rounds in the shared ammo carrier gave the mech solid coverage, flexibility, and staying power. What it didn't have was speed, and had to make the best of its 8 move points and -2 initiative modifier.

<< Links >> 

The current version of Meka Tac – Giant Stompy Robots Edition game is available IN THE DOWNLOADS SECTION, of the GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS portion of as well as PDFs of all the cards and counters, quick reference sheets (QRS) and other resources. And, yes, it’s FREE!
A portion of the Giant Stompy Robots Forum has been set aside for discussing Meka Tac! Please stop by and post your questions, after action reports, and photos of your games! 

<< END 116 >>

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


<< The Mech >>

“Maelstrom 521”, a mech size 12 unit for the O.A.S.F.
Tiamat (24500), by Reaper Miniatures.
Height: 52mm.

<< Prep >>

  • Parts washed.
  • Flash removed/mold lines filed down.
  • Joints were drilled and pinned for final assembly after the majority of painting was completed.
  • Mounted the legs on a 29mm hex cut from 1/8” MDF.
  • The top of the base was spackled with light-weight, dry joint compound, and filed smooth after drying.

<< Painting >>

  • Masked the joint areas with tape or poster tac.
  • Everything primed grey.
  • Neutral grey – primary structures.
  • Sky grey – secondary structures.
  • Red - front hex edge of base.
  • Black - back hex edge of base and sensor blister.
  • Earth – rest of base.
  • White – ID number on back hex edge of base.

Once most of the painting was finished, the tape and poster tac masking the joints were removed, the mech was assembled, and touch-up paint applied as needed. 

Decided the decals (white stars and vehicle numbers from I-94 Enterprises) were going to be placed on the top of the torso and the front of the legs, so some clear enamel was painted on those spots. This gave a good base for the decals to set against. Think of it as a surface being primed before painting. After the enamel dried, the water-slide decals were carefully cut, soaked in water, and then applied. Another layer of clear enamel was painted over the decals once they were dry to lock them in. 

After everything was dry, the entire miniature was dipped in 1:12 minwax ebony to clear polyurethane mix. Once dry, clumps of green and olive foliage were glued with PVA (white glue) directly to the base, then a mix of fine flock to cover the rest of it – made sure to have kept the edges of the base clear. A couple light sprays of clear matt sealer took the edge off the dip’s gloss and sealed in the flocking.

<< De-blistering >>

Tiamat (24500), part of the CAV: Strike Operations range available from Reaper Miniatures. 

What you get: 2 pieces – legs and torso. The waist is pegged, but protrusions from both the torso and the legs limits options for rotation. Both parts were drilled and pinned together to strengthen the model's joint for tabletop use.

Originally by Talon Games, now produced by Reaper Miniatures, and currently being released as part of Reaper’s 3rd edition CAV: Strike Operations. The miniatures are scaled for 10mm, not the more common 6mm/1:300/1:285, but works fine for a top end of the scale large mech.

<< Meka Tac – GSRE >>

Stat sheet for play on an open table with terrain.
The weapon ranges are in inches.
Designed to print on 4” x 6” or 3” x 5” index card.

The “Maelstrom” was a large siege/fire mecha that was more often defending O.A.S.F. (a.k.a. “White Star” forces) installations than out in the field. It could rain death and destruction upon its foes – for about three turns of continuous fire. Admittedly, the possible 68d10 of damage over those three turns was impressive, especially considering its mix of artificial intelligence (AI) +1 bonus to the attack roll (+1 TH) and high explosive (HE) with an area effect of a 3” blast radius (3” AE) missiles, with ranges starting at 36”. The 12 separate missile launchers allowed pilots to laugh at weapon hit criticals, and the 120 mech hits aided survivability. Like the Python, once the ordinance was expended, it might as well have called it a day and walked off the field for a cold one - though not very quickly with its meager 6 move points.

<< Links >> 

I-94 Enterprises – Decals.

The current version of Meka Tac – Giant Stompy Robots Edition game is available IN THE DOWNLOADS SECTION, of the GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS section of as well as PDFs of all the cards and counters, quick reference sheets (QRS) and other resources. And, yes, it’s FREE!
A portion of the Giant Stompy Robots Forum has been set aside for discussing Meka Tac! Please stop by and post your questions, after action reports, and photos of your games!

<< END 115 >>

Monday, October 12, 2015

Meka Tac - GSRE: Mission Cards!

Meka Tac - Giant Stompy Robots: Mission Cards!
Card protectors not included.


In the  DOWNLOADS  section of  GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS  you will find the new mission cards set! No longer is one forced to suffer the awkward embarrassment of yet another meeting engagement! Download the 14 mission cards and instructions for FREE today! And, yes, with a little effort they could be used for other games.

The mission cards will be used in the Meka Tac - GSRE game (#307 Giant Stompy Robots - Rumble in the Rubble) at Fall In!

<< END 114 >> 

Friday, October 9, 2015


<< The Mech >>

“Zmey 100”, a mech size 12 + 2 unit for the P.F.S.U.D.
Tiger (24590) by Reaper Miniatures.
Height: 46mm.

<< Prep >> 

  • Parts washed.
  • Flash removed/mold lines filed down.
  • Joints were drilled and pinned for final assembly after the majority of painting was completed.
  • Mounted the legs on a 29mm hex cut from 1/8” MDF.
  • The top of the base was then spackled with light-weight, dry joint compound, and filed smooth after drying.

<< Painting >> 

  • Masked the joint areas with tape or poster tac.
  •  Everything primed white.
  • Russian green – primary structures.
  • Russian uniform WWII – secondary structures.
  • Neutral grey - exposed articulation.
  • German grey - weapon muzzles.
  • Red - mech trim and front hex edge of base.
  • Black - sensor blisters and back hex edge of base.
  • Earth – rest of base.
  • White – ID number on back hex edge of base.

Once most of the painting was finished, the tape and poster tac masking the joints were removed, the mech was assembled, and touch-up paint applied as needed.

Decided the decals (red stars and vehicle numbers from I-94 Enterprises) were going to be placed on the front and back of the legs, so some clear enamel was painted on those spots. This gave a good base for the decals to set against. Think of it as a surface being primed before painting. After the enamel dried, the water-slide decals were carefully cut, soaked in water, and then applied. Another layer of clear enamel was painted over the decals once they were dry to lock them in.

After everything was dry, dipped the entire miniature in 1:12 minwax ebony to clear polyurethane mix. Once dry, clumps of green and olive foliage were glued with PVA (white glue) directly to the base, then a mix of fine flock to cover the rest of it – made sure to have kept the edges of the base clear. A couple light sprays of clear matt sealer took the edge off the dip’s gloss and sealed in the flocking. 

<< De-blistering >>

Tiger (24590), part of the CAV: Strike Operations range available from Reaper Miniatures.
What you get: four pieces - torso, L/R arms, and legs. The waist and arms are pegged, allowing for some pose variation. All the joints were drilled and pegged to strengthen the model for tabletop use. A nice, easy build.

A Reaper Miniatures product, and currently available as part of their 3rd edition CAV: Strike Operations. The miniatures are scaled for 10mm, not the more common 6mm/1:300/1:285, but works very well as a size class large mech. I’m particularly fond of the weapon arms. Yet another good, solid mecha from Reaper. 

<< Meka Tac – GSRE >>

Stat sheet for play on an open table with terrain.
The weapon ranges are in inches.
Designed to print on a 4” x 6”or a 3” x 5” index card.

The “Zmey” was a large siege/fire mecha. One of a few mechs with a 2nd crewmember to reduce the chance of a pilot critical hit neutralizing it. Pilots are squishy; bring an spare. The 20 hits worth of supplemental armor helped keep those annoying early critical hits away, and the armored skin gave it a total of 150 mech hits.

Its long-range weapons packed sufficient punch to inflict critical hits over 60% of the time. The mech was loaded with 6 rounds of AP in each siege gun, and another 6 rounds of HE in the shared ammo carrier. Lacking any other armaments, there wasn’t much reason for this mech to hang around once its 18 rounds traveled downrange. The armor piercing (AP) ammo gave a +1 to damage rolls (+1 DAM) - a favorite of the P.F.S.U.D. (a.k.a. "Red Star" forces) – while the high explosive (HE) rounds with a 3” area effect blast radius (3” AE) was useful against tightly grouped targets.

<< Links >> 

I-94 Enterprises – Decals.

The current version of Meka Tac – Giant Stompy Robots Edition game is available IN THE DOWNLOADS SECTION, of the GIANT STOMPY ROBOTS portion of as well as PDFs of all the cards and counters, quick reference sheets (QRS) and other resources. And, yes, it’s FREE!

A portion of the Giant Stompy Robots Forum has been set aside for discussing Meka Tac! Please stop by and post your questions, after action reports, and photos of your games! 

<< END 113 >>